Thursday, February 20, 2020

Act 2: "There's daggers in men's smiles."

We have finished Act 2, and not all is well in Scotland. People are headed in various directions, all with different motivations. Your assignment is to write from your character's point of view about his/her motivations or reasons behind their actions. What is it that they want most? Why? What are they doing to get what they want? What obstacles are in the way of what they want? How can they possibly get around these obstacles?

Remember: Not all characters know all of the details. Make sure you write your posts such that you stay true to your character's knowledge. Witches and (newly-minted) ghosts, however, now know and see it all.

When you finish your blog posts, go through and read the comments people have left on your blog and respond. Go and read other characters' blogs and leave them comments. Stay in character and only use the Shakespearean insults if you have to get sassy.