Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Act 3, part 2: "By the pricking of my thumbs..."

Life in Scotland is growing ever more tense. Dinner parties are nice, but ghosts are not. At this point, everyone has different goals they are working on.

In addition to summarizing the action of the play, write what your character is most concerned about. Explain how they feel, what they worry about, what they are planning for, what they hope will happen in the future, and what they predict will happen to them and to others around them. The final thing your entry should include is a simile or metaphor comparing your character to something that will help us better understand your character's mental or emotional state. Personally, my excitement at reading your entries has me filled with chills, as though Banquo's ghost tried to give me a hug.

Don't forget to comment on other blogs. Your job is to interact in a way that fits your character's personality. And HAVE FUN!

*Note: Spelling and grammar are still important aspects of your writing, with some exceptions for creativity.

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