Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Act 1 Assignment


Your assignment today has two parts: post and comment.

1. Post: Look at the events of the FIRST act, through the start of scene 5 of Macbeth. Blog about those events as if you were either 1) there, or 2) heard about it from someone else. Remember that some events NO ONE except the few involved would know about. For instance, ony Macbeth and Lady Macbeth can blog about their plan to kill Duncan. The rest of you can blog about common events like: the traitorous Thane of Cawdor; the fact that Macbeth becomes Thane of Cawdor; the events that take place in the king's castle; etc. What would you say as that character? What would seem to make sense to that character? What events seem weird or unusual? Write and post, and don't forget to give your post a title.

For bonus points, include some sort of an (appropriate) image that fits with the events your character is familiar about.

2. Comment: When you finish your posting, look at a few other blogs. Read their posts. Post a comment. Remember that if they talk about an event your character technically knows nothing about, you should be confused by this. You should comment on at least two other blogs, or more if you choose.
If you notice that one blog is getting a lot of comments, comment on a different blog also.
Consider commenting specifically on the entries of those you are connected to, either by marriage, birth, or profession.

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