Friday, February 14, 2020

Is this a dagger I see before me...?

Good morning, Noblemen and women of Scotland! So much has happened, and so many... interesting decisions have been made. If you did not have time to complete Wednesday's assignment, please finish that assignment before you move on to this assignment. (Scroll down to see previous entries and assignments.)

Your assignment for Friday is as follows: Please write a blog entry of two paragraphs.

Paragraph one should discuss the events of the play so far. Paragraph 2 should be YOUR character's reaction to those events, and a prediction about what they hope or think about the future.

Once you have written both paragraphs, please comment on a minimum of THREE different blogs. Then respond to comments on YOUR blog. Don't forget to share the love (it is Valentine's Day, after all) and visit some blogs you haven't previously visited.

Because this is an interactive blog and part of the modern world of communication, find a meme that fits the events so far and include it in your blog post.

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