Monday, February 24, 2020

Act 3 part 1: "To be thus is nothing, but to be safely thus."

Good morning, you villainous, onion-eyed barnacles!

Things are really getting interesting now: Macbeth is plotting further murders, Ross and Macduff seem unsure about this new king, and there's a banquet on the way. So much to do! Before you do any of it, however, double check any posts of yours with comments. Respond to any that need responses. Check out a blog you haven't seen before and leave a new comment. Then...

Write a blog post about your character's place in this world. How are they holding up? What are their worries or concerns? What do they look forward to? What plans are they making? Use a quote from the play (only from what we've read so far) to help describe what is going on and what you are doing about it all.

For fun, add either a meme or a GIF to your post that helps describe your character or the events they have been involved in. For bonus points and to prove you are really paying attention to the assignment, leave a comment on this entry.


Banquo said...

Your jokes hurt me to my un-beating heart.

Lady Macbeth said...

This and the last assignment are too advanced for the two neurons I have left in my brain, I shall drop out and say goodbye thou artless barnacle. ✌️😗

Ross said...

Macbeth when his wife first suggests to kill King Duncan: 😓😖

Macbeth when his wife insists :😏😈

Duncan said...

It is pretty cool getting to know everything that goes on. Sorry Banquo, you are stuck with me now.

Second Witch said...

I do not like to take orders from anyone except from the devil himself, but for bonus points, I will leave a comment.

Mac to the Duff said...

Skrrrt Skrrrt

Fr3akest Witch said...

I don't like to be told what to do, but I like bonus' so I guess I will do what you ask.

Hecate said...

I am having the most fun finding images to describe how I am truly feeling. Although that is hard to capture because I feel both rage at the witches for excluding me but excitement that the prophecy is being fulfilled!

Lady Macduff said...

I still know nothing, hopefully I will meet some people soon

Angus said...

A comment...

Lennox said...

I am just patiently waiting for someone to confess their sin.

Macbeth said...

Macbething it up