Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Act 5, part 1: "What's done cannot be undone"

We are drawing to a close. Macduff has succeeded in persuading Malcolm to return to England, and we have seen some concerning behavior from Lady Macbeth. Macbeth himself seems to believe he cannot be defeated. But we know that the end is drawing close, and there is a lot of action yet to come.
World's End Close in Edinburgh, Scotland

So what has your character been involved in? What do they know? What might they be unsure of or what do they worry about? Explain the events of the play from their perspective, including their insights and feelings about these events. Look into their mind for what they are most concerned about as things move forward.

In a second paragraph, describe what they hope will happen, and what they think will happen to Macbeth (sometimes "hope" and "think" mean two different things). Please spell check and use good writing skills. Ms. May is watching!

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