Thursday, March 5, 2020

Act 5, Part 2: "A tale told by an idiot"

Well, we've arrived at the end. Today's assignment has three parts:

Part 1--Your character needs to explain what has happened in the closing of the play. How were they involved? What do they think about what happened? How do they react? Predict what will happen now that Malcolm is the king. Will Scotland recover from Macbeth? Find a picture, video, meme, or GIF to include in your post. Make sure it fits the actual actions of the final act. YOU MUST COMMENT ON OTHER BLOGS. Some of you have not been making as many comments as you ought to.

Part 2--Write a SECOND blog entry, kind of like an epilogue. Imagine you are are a year or two after the end of the play. Where are you now? What is your character up to? How have they changed? What are they planning on? What's next for them?

Part 3--Off the blog, write me a letter. In this letter, offer your thoughts to me on this project. What went well? What was difficult? What should I do again? What should I change? How could I make this better? Use correct letter writing format, including salutation and closing.

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