Friday, February 28, 2020

Act 4, Part 1: "O Scotland, Scotland!"

Start by summarizing some of the events you were part of or know about. By now, word of the death of Lady Macduff and her children has made the rounds and everyone knows--except those in England (Macduff, Thane of Fife, I'm looking at you). The witches have been involved in everything, Macbeth has sought out the witches and sent murderers to kill Macduff's family, and Macduff has gone to try and convince Malcolm that Scotland needs him--with interesting results.

This is pure truth.

So now what? 

No, really: What do you think will happen next? What makes you think that? What plans should your character be making? What stands in the way of what your character wants? How might they be able to overcome those obstacles? What 👏happens👏next👏?

For fun, go find a pertinent picture and include it in your blog post. It can be a meme or a regular picture, but make it relevant. 

Is this what Macduff's home looks like now?


Banquo said...

Nothing stands in my way. I could just go through it.

Ms. May said...

True statement, Banquo.